What kind of church is Bible Baptist Church?

So that there might be no misunderstanding about our stand and direction, here are just a few distinct characteristics of our church.

We believe that the King James Bible is the providentially preserved, infallible, immutable, inerrant, inspired Word of God.

We believe in the autonomy of the local church. We are not part of any ecclesiastical body. We are completely self-governing. The Bible Baptist Church is without apology an old fashioned independent Baptist church that strives to be both fundamental in our position while being friendly in our disposition.

A fundamentalist is one who believes in a supernatural Bible, which tells of a supernatural Christ, Who had a supernatural birth, Who spoke supernatural words, Who performed supernatural miracles, Who lived a supernatural life, Who died a supernatural death, Who rose in supernatural power, Who ascended in supernatural splendor, Who intercedes as a supernatural priest and Who will one day return in supernatural glory to establish a supernatural kingdom on the earth.

We believe that it is the commission of the local church to win souls at home and also around the world. We reach the lost around the world through sending and supporting missionaries through faith promise style giving, while reaching the lost at home through door to door soul-winning and passing out tracts.

We are without apology an old fashioned church, holding to a traditional style church service. At our church there are no contemporary services. We still use the hymnbooks and have a song leader.